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MORE medicalご存知ですか!
More Latin for the Illiterati: A Guide to Medical, Legal and Religious Latin[洋書]
価格: 3,906円 レビュー評価:0.0 レビュー数:0
商品副データMORE LATIN FOR THE ILLITERATIJon R. Stone/R. Stone JonROUTLEDGE CHAPMAN HALLこの著者の新着メールを登録する発行年:1999年登録情報タイトル:More Latin for the Illiterati: A Guide to Medical, Legal and Religious Latin[洋書]:MORE LATIN FOR THE ILLITERATIサイズ:Paperbackページ数:224言語:EnglishISBN:9780415922111Stone demystifies the term
Supported by 楽天ウェブサービス

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MORE medicalてどうなってるの?
Where Marijuana Is a Point of Pride - New York Times

New York Times

Where Marijuana Is a Point of Pride
New York Times
People in communities where marijuana has been accepted, they say, know more about its medical benefits than those in other parts of the state where medical ...

and more »

malaria – Yanomami people – 3 remote villages in Venezuela's ...
“I've never seen it like this,” said Shatiwe Luis Ahiwei, another Yanomami health worker who assisted in the medical mission and said about 100 more malaria cases had been identified in the area, more than half of them the deadly ...

Arashigoto (Draft) - Upcomings from 8 Nov
He handle daily medical care cooperating with richly-experienced nurse and a friend who has character but a brilliant doctor. One day he has offer from his college, If he would back to college he can get more days off and increase time ...

Q日本語への翻訳、おねがいします><I love mushrooms. The chance is a book of the mushroom that I met in the library last winter. I was interested in the medical treatment since the grade-schooler. It became a junior high school student, and I began to be interested in the medicine especially like that. I was looking for the book on the poison in the library when was. The poison of the mushroom was caught up by the book that had been casually taken at that time. I was interested in the mushroom, and began to frequent the museum starting with it. It saw this specimen of it was possible to do the museum or the more examined the mushroom with the Internet and the picture book, I came to like mushrooms. The mushroom is the one that the more it knows, the deeper the interior is. The color, shape, and the smell are various. There is a mushroom with the poison, and are a delicious mushroom and a beautiful mushroom. Will you think that it is a very attractive living thing?My recent hobby is gathering mushrooms. I want to decorate the room making a lot of specimens. Hereafter, I will keep loving mushrooms.
A(● ̄(エ) ̄●)ノ☆・゜::゜ヨロシコ♪ふむふむ、なるほど???ガーン!!??♪♪そ、 その英文は全然「奇怪」翻訳です!!!英語になっていません!!!!!!調査したところエキサイトによる機械翻訳でした。英作文「きのこと私」私はきのこが大好きです。きっかけは、昨年の冬に私が図書館で出会ったきのこの本です。私は小学生の頃から医療に興味がありました。中学生になり、私はその中でも薬品に興味を持ち始めました。ある時、私は図書館で毒薬の本を探していました。その時何気なく手に取った本に、きのこの毒が採りあげられていたのです。それをきっかけに私はきのこに興味を持ち、博物館に通い始めました。博物館できのこの標本を見たり、インターネットや図鑑できのこについて調べれば調べるほど、私はきのこを好きになっていきました。きのこは、知れば知るほど奥の深いものです。色も、形も、匂いも様々です。毒のあるきのこもありますが、美味しいきのこや綺麗なきのこもあります。とても魅力的な生き物だと思いませんか?最近の私の趣味はきのこ狩りです。たくさん標本を作って部屋に飾りたいと思っています。私はこれからも、きのこを愛し続けます。 英→日 日→英 訳文English composition"Mushroom and I"I love mushrooms. The chance is a book of the mushroom that I met in the library last winter. I was interested in the medical treatment since the grade-schooler. It became a junior high school student, and I began to be interested in the medicine especially like that. I was looking for the book on the poison in the library when was. The poison of the mushroom was caught up by the book that had been casually taken at that time. I was interested in the mushroom, and began to frequent the museum starting with it. It saw this specimen of it was possible to do the museum or the more examined the mushroom with the Internet and the picture book, I came to like mushrooms. The mushroom is the one that the more it knows, the deeper the interior is. The color, shape, and the smell are various. There is a mushroom with the poison, and are a delicious mushroom and a beautiful mushroom. Will you think that it is a very attractive living thing?My recent hobby is gathering mushrooms. I want to decorate the room making a lot of specimens. Hereafter, I will keep loving mushrooms. あ、こんな回答しています。http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1136112321もう一度日本文を翻訳依頼してください、なお「大至急などと書き解答者をせかすと」機械翻訳ぐらいしか回答がありません。何も書かなくても英語の好きな人なら回答してくれますよ。
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Where Marijuana Is a Point of Pride - New York Times

New York Times

Where Marijuana Is a Point of Pride
New York Times
People in communities where marijuana has been accepted, they say, know more about its medical benefits than those in other parts of the state where medical ...

and more »

A Career In Medical Transcription: Is It For You? » justfouryou.info
Given the growth in health practices and hospitals and the necessity for standardization of records, the demand for medical transcription companies is more likely to maintain growing. You need to carefully analyze the professionals and ...

More Latin for the Illiterati: A Guide to Medical, Legal and Religious Latin[洋書]
価格: 3,906円 レビュー評価:0.0 レビュー数:0
商品副データMORE LATIN FOR THE ILLITERATIJon R. Stone/R. Stone JonROUTLEDGE CHAPMAN HALLこの著者の新着メールを登録する発行年:1999年登録情報タイトル:More Latin for the Illiterati: A Guide to Medical, Legal and Religious Latin[洋書]:MORE LATIN FOR THE ILLITERATIサイズ:Paperbackページ数:224言語:EnglishISBN:9780415922111Stone demystifies the term
Supported by 楽天ウェブサービス

ダイエット エクササイズ

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